Rekindle Retreats
a spark for the heart | soul | mind to connect with Trinity
Rekindle is an intensive for the heart, soul & mind to unwind and cultivate new depths with Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.
We want to see generations restored from burnout and experience transformation beneath the surface of their lives.
“That is why I would remind you to stir up, rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, & keep burning the gracious gift of God, the inner fire that is in you by means of the laying on of hands.” -2 Timothy 1:6
Rekindle Retreats will revolutionize the way you do life with God and others.
Come encounter the love of God & reignite the embers within you.
What to Anticipate
These days are reserved for...
Discovering the limitless love of God & Kingdom family
Learning to hear the voice of the Lord for yourself
Obtaining tools that help develop friendship with Jesus
Spaces for worship & spontaneity in the presence of the Lord
Charting new territory through creativity in a safe & uplifting atmosphere
Exercising & practicing our identity as sons & daughters made in the image of a Father
Celebrating, championing & encouraging every heart
Savoring home cooked meals around the table
Unearthing the gold in one another​
L a n d o f t h e L i v i n g
R e s t o r i n g G e n e r a t i o n s t o W h o l e n e s s
Psalm 27:13 (NKJV), "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living".
Restoring generations to wholeness
Renewing minds to reflect the heart of God
There are three main trails (strategies) of ministry that represent Land of the Living:
The first is Discipleship:
School of the Kingdom
Rekindle Retreats
Wholeness Ministry
Community Dinners
One on One's
Spiritual Coaching
Small Groups
The second is Worship:
Worship Nights
The third is Stewardship::
Land of the Living rests in His presence while expanding the Kingdom of God.
Caleb and Bethany desire for generations to be restored to wholeness, and their three trails of
ministry mimic that desire. They guide sons and daughters of God into renovating the homes of
their hearts through raw and authentic atmospheres
If you would like to join the "Donor Family" by sending a gift to the ministry, you can follow the link below.
Staff Family
Caleb & Bethany Kuenzli
Founders Executive Directors Speakers Worship Leaders Songwriters Authors
Caleb and Bethany raise Full Time Support and live with their boy & girl twins in south central PA where they run Land of the Living ministries.
Bethany is originally from the Queen City: Charlotte, North Carolina
and Caleb is originally from King Neptune's: Virginia Beach, Virginia.
The name Kuenzli means "daring," "brave," and "counsel" and they find that these traits are the
tools given to them by the Father to love His people well.
The Kuenzli's have surrendered to the mission of Jesus. They love leading worship together, operating in His radical love,
and building relationships across the globe.
They feel the Father has called them to equip a new Era that causes heaven and earth to collide.
Kingdom Values
His Presence
We will seek & camp around the presence of God. Our clock is centered around His timeline.
(Psalm 27:4)
We commit to letting ourselves feel and experience our emotions under the Lordship of Jesus, trading in approval for authenticity & believing in our worth.
(Luke 10:27)
Belonging requires us to be who we are instead of changing who we are to fit in. We do more by doing less and focus our efforts on what we were made to do, rather than what we could do.
(Galatians 1:10)
We were created by a beautiful and perfect Creator, and one of the most wonderful gifts He has given us as image-bearers of His likeness is our hunger for and ability to create.
(Ephesians 2:10)
We stand unashamed before God & man because His blood is our resurrection.
(Job 11:15, Genesis 2:25)
We go beyond the expected, the normal; because people are worth the effort & sacrifice. We raise faith to a Kingdom level.
(John 2:10)
The Family Table
Gathering around the table reminds us of our need for the Father and community. We will make space for family moments to happen because every meal was significant to Jesus.
(Luke 13:29)
Gratitude Uncovers Joy
Joy comes from consciousness of His favor & protection. Gratitude is the fastest way to find joy.
(Psalm 97:11)
Supernatural Ministry
Jesus promised that signs would follow believers and they would do even greater works than He. We owe the world an encounter with the power of God and an invitation to salvation because Jesus sent us into the world, just as the Father sent Him, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
(John 14:12-14)
Finding the Gold
We look for gold in the midst of people's heart. We mine for the treasure inside of everyone made in the image of God to introduce themselves to heaven's perspective.
(Philippians 4:8, 1 Corinthians 14:3)