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The Legend of Evelyn

After the fall of Lutris, Cahn fell into darkness. Without a chieftain or chieftess, the otters were scattered and hopeless.
Unable to ward off the canines of the south, Grolg’s forces swept across the covenant and took it for their own.

Grolg survived his encounter with Rappahanock on the outskirts of Richmond. The alpha of Cahn is constantly reminded of that evening from the scars on his back and neck. They twinge when it rains and even more so when he sleeps. Every word is an agonizing reminder. His visions are filled with the fire-rimmed eyes of a sea otter carrying the Cerulean.

Chickahominy, now a broken and hostile port, entertains dark business from even darker corners of Cairn. Ships dock and depart. Strangers arrive and disappear. All under the watchful eye of Wisi, the blue iguana, self-proclaimed Grand Marshall of the coastal town.

Tobias, the keeper of the flame, lights his torches night after night in the lighthouse of Chickahominy. Hoping to shed some hope on the darkened streets below, he says a prayer for his family abroad.

All of that is about to change as a trio of warriors step back into Cahn for the first time in many moons. Their destination: Chickahominy.

Published by Burkhart Books, Bedford, Texas


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